Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Protect MSOffice document with Password

You can protect your document by applying password so that unauthorized person can not display as well as modify your document.
Here are the steps:

1). Open any Office Documents.
2). Click File and Select Save As.
3). Now click Tools in that dialouge box.

4). Here click on General Option.
5). Now give the passwords to open and to modify.

6). click OK.
7). After that re-enter those passwords to confirm them.
8). Click Save button of Save As dialog box.Its done.

Now your document is password protected, noone can read or modify it without that password. You can use this trick to maintain and to protect your personal dairy from others..

Insert ur NAME in the bottom right Taskbar - Coo computer Trick

Do you know that you can insert your name in bottom right corner of taskbar. just follow the instructions below and amaze your friends and relatives. Here are steps:

1). Open Control Panel.Bold
2). Here click on Regional and Language Options.
3). In regional and language options click on customize this format.

4). Now click on time tab.
5). Here you can see A.M. and P.M. change it with your name.

6). Click OK.
Its done.
Now you can see your name in taskbar right corner after time.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Disable or Enable Right Click on Taskbar - Cool Computer Tricks

Here is trick to remove right click functionality from taskbar. You just have to do some editing in windows registry editor. It willl disable right click on all components of taskbar. Just follow given steps:

1). Go to Start -> Run -> regedit.
2). In registry editor window go to
3). Create a DWORD value and set its value name as NoTrayContextMenu.

4). Set its value data 1 or 0
1- For disabling right click functionality from all components of taskbar
0- For enabling right click functionality from all components of taskbar
5). Restart computer.
Its done.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Add your PICTURE to My Computer Properties - Cool Computer Tricks

Now you can add your picture or any other picture in my computer properties. To do this follow given steps:

1). Open Notepad.

2). Type the following:
[Support Information]

3). Save as oeminfo.ini in the System32 folder.

4). Create a bmp file(your picture) and save it in the System32 folder as oemlogo.bmp.The size of the image should be within 180 x120 pixels

5). Now Check your My Computer Properties.

Access your folders as drives - Cool Computer Tricks

You can create Virtual Drives in your Computer. Now you can access your Favorite Folders as a drive in My Computer.
Just Do The Follwing :

1) Start >> Run

2) Type cmd and hit Enter.
This will open Command Prompt.

3) Type subst Z: E:\picture and hit Enter key.
Here Z: is your desired New Drive Letter (Do not use existing Drive letters) and E:\picture is path of your favorite folder.

4) Now, type exit.
Its done.
This will create a new drive ! When you open this , it will open your folder !!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lock DISK DRIVES without any software - Cool Computer Tricks

We don’t usually prefer to lock our drives, but sometimes it becomes nesscary. So here is trick to lock drives without any software, For this you have to do some changes in registry editor.
Please don’t try this tweak with your root drive (usually C:\ is the root drive) since root drives are not intended to be locked because they are mandatory for the system and application programs.

1). Click on Start and Run and then type Regedit to open Registry editor window.

2). In registry editor window Browse
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

3). Create a new DWORD value name it NoViewOnDrive and set its value as 2^(Alpha Number of Drive Letter-1) where Alpha number are simple counting of alphabets from A to Z as 1 – 26
For example: to lock C:\, Alpha number of C is 3 so 2^ (3-1) = 4 (decimal value)
A: 1
C: 4
D: 8
E: 16
F: 32
G: 64
H: 128

4). To lock more drives, calculate the value of each drive and then set sum of those numbers as value

5). To unlock your drive just delete the key from the registry.

6). Press F5 to refresh.
Its done.

Searching MAILS in Gmail

Nowadays Gmail is commonly used webservice. Gmail provides a search bar for easy navigation of emails. Here are the gmail search tricks which make your search in gmail and save lots of your time.

To Extract all the mails received from specific email address :
extract all mails from or from
FROM: followed by email address

If you are not concerned about the mail services like or, want to extract all mails from xyz then ignore the text after @. i.e
FROM: xyz@ OR abc@

Extract the mails based on your subject :
SUBJECT: meeting or party
extract all mails having subject meeting or party
SUBJECT:followed by subject name

Extract mails which have the word or set of words :
HAS THE WORDS : abc xyz
This search all the mails having words abc and xyz

Extract mails which doesnt have the word or set of words :
This search all the mails which doesnt have the word abc

Get all the mails sent between particular dates :
after:2010/01/01 before:2010/01/25
This gives all the mails sent between 2010/01/1 and 2010/01/25 (date format : yyyy/mm/dd )

Get all the chat messages having a particular word :
is:chat abc
This gives all the chat messages having the word abc

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Google Hidden Emoticons - Express ur emotions while chating

Here is list of some cool google Emoticons(Smileys), so guys use them to express your emotions while chatting, some of them are really amazing..

Emoticons TYPE

cowbell +/'\
Crab V.v.V
Devil }:-)
Equal sad =(
Equal slant =/
wince >.<
Pig :(:)
Heart <3
Kiss :*
Mustache :{
Monkey :(|)
Rock out \m/
Shocked :-o
Grin :D
Angry x-(
Cool B-)
Wink ;)
Straight face :-|
Nose wink ;-)
Slant :-/

But keeep in mind that these emoticons works only for googl talk gadgets, Gmail integration chat application and in google talk edition.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Change windows Default Location - Cool Computer Tricks

You can chnage the windows default location where windows look for its installation files. To change windows default drive you have to make some changes in windows registry just follow these steps:

1) Go to RUN.

2) Type regedit and press Enter.

3)Then in Registry Editor window go to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Setup\SourcePath

4) Here you can edit as you wish.

Its done.

Activate and Deactivate SCREENSAVER - Cool Computer Tricks

You can activate or deactivate screensaver whenever you want. You have to make some changes in windows registry after then you can activate your screensaver by simply placing the mouse cursor at the top right corner of the screen and if you take the mouse to the bottom left corner of the screen, the screensaver will deactivate.

Follow these steps:

1) Go to RUN.

2) Type regedit and press Enter.

3) Then in Registry Editor window go to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

4) Now in the right pane right click and create a new string value and name it Mouse Corners.

5) Now modify its value and set it to -Y-N.

6) Press F5 to Referesh.

Its done.

To Deactivate it, you have to simply delete this string value.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Post a BLANK Orkut Scrap - Cool Computer Tricks

Here is a cool trick to send a blank scrap to your friend. Its very simple just follow given steps:

1) Open your friend's scrapbook.
2) In text message box type [i] or [b].
3) Click on post.
Its done.

It post a blank scrap in your friend's scrapbook.
You can also use this trick to post blank messages in communities.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Gtalk Chat Shortcut - Cool Computer Tricks

If you chat very frequently with one of your friend then now you can make gtalk chat shortcut on your desktop. It willl initiate a chat with only one click. On click it opens a chat window where you can chat with your friend. But unfortunately this trick works only in window xp nt in window vista.

Here are steps to follow:

1) Right click on your desktop and go to New > Shortcut.

2) In create shortcut window, type gtalk:chat? Where username is gmail id of your friend.

3) Click ok.

Its done.

You can also make shortcut to call your friend for that you have to write gtalk:call?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Automatic Window refresh - Cool Computer Tricks

Whenever you make a change to your windows you have to press F5 or do a manual refresh sometimes its very annoying Now with this trick you can tell windows to increase the rate at which it does the refreshing.
Just follow given steps:

1) Type Regedit in run.
2) In Registry editor window go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Update.
3) Create a new DWORD value, or modify the existing value, named UpdateMode and set it to equal 0 for faster updates. Restart Windows for the change to take effect.

Its done.

Make Folder Invisible - Cool Computer Tricks

Do you have some confidental files want to hide them with other users then this trick is for you. by using this trick you can hide a folder without using any software just follow these steps:

1) Right Click on the desktop(or where you want to create invisible folder) and make a new folder.
2) Now rename the folder with a space (hold ALT key and type 0160).
3) Now you have a folder with out a name.
4) Place your confidental files in this folder.
5) Right click on the folder and then on properties.

6) In Property window click on custom tab and then on change icon.
7) In change icon template window, scroll a bit, you should find some empty spaces, Click on that.

8) click ok.

Its done.
Now to make it visible rename it and change its icon by following similar steps.